Mary Tompsett

Since 1995 have written for numerous publications. Two previous humor columns: POSING AS NORMAL, and THE VILLAGE IDIOM. Won a few contests. No fame, no big money, but having a blast.

DILLIGS!? Tools: Not Just an Insult

July 15, 2024
DILLIGS!? Tools: Not just a slang insultBy Mary Tompsett © 2024 Foolish Times, August 2024 Text = 720 Words I killed a queen this morning… very satisfying. I was also feeling ashamed but then Idecided I probably had a previous and joyful life as a 17th c. French executioner.Anyway, there’s a long wait for custom 3-D printed guillotines, so I

Green: Fun, Foibles and Eeew

Boston’s subways have surely been upgraded, but I remember riding the Green Line in decrepit, claustrophobic cars, swapping oxygen and dead skin cells with strangers. Worse yet, science tells us we constantly exchange atoms with everything around us. On a good day, this sounds like a galactic square dance, atoms

Windows, Temples, and Spooky Snots

February 1, 2024
Ironically, this common phrase comes straight from traditional Eskimo wisdom. I know, it seems wrong on so many counts, doesn’t it? Hey, that’s the miracle of it all. Still, “the devil is in the details,” and that window could be on a high-rise penthouse. This is why life is hard.
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