Michael Houston

Eternal Lives

April 12, 2024
If you got past twenty-seven years old, you probably weren’t a rock star. Those of us who survived the 60s twice are now thinking about what’s next? Nirvana or some other band of angels, demons, bar flies, saints, scholars, open mic folk, standup comics, human or not human aliens etc.  Jaysus, I was minding my own business and blundered into

Irish Family Saints, Cinema, Books, and Music

FAMILY SAINTS - The sainted grandfather I’m named after, Michael Patrick McGuire, followed his sister Brigit out of L'Isle-aux-Allumettes, Canada to the City to build houses on Cass St. and Lovers’ Point in Monterey. Roosevelt Democrat, he ran the Youth Conservation Corp in Yosemite until the Depression and TB did
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