They say hard work is the key to success. This may be true but at times we chose to pick the lock and take a few short cuts, arriving sooner rather than later. Get it done! Happy Hour only lasts for so long and Last Call are horrible words to hear.
There were a few goals to accomplish this past year. The first was to survive increases in the cost of doing business. We were successful. The second was to launch our podcast on the wharf at Abalonetti Bar & Grill. Ta Da! Another was to keep pushing outward to get back over the border to Santa Cr1 Navigation right County. Mission accomplished. Our proudest accomplishment was to continue to build readership both locally and beyond.
Sadly, there were casualties along the way. We will dearly miss Larry, Chris, Monte and Stacy. Each of these creative folks was much more than what you saw in print. They were my friends. They were sincere with great energy, wanting to engage and share with you through their humor.They left us in their own time and on their own accord. Head scratcher, none of them owned a Honda!
To gaze into 2024, we will strengthen our relationship with media partner MeTV and add KSCO to our mix. We’ll continue with our mission to bring humor, with plans to further diversify with pop-up comedy shows, expand through social media with a series of short videos about emotional support vacuum cleaners and launch a few new columns. And there a publisher interested in launching my book!
On a personal note, I plan to concentrate on balancing my work and social life, maybe even commit to a relationship. This thought weighed heavily on my mind so I went to a psychic for an answer. She brought out a Ouija board to spell out the name of my future girlfriend. I watched with anticipation… what kind of name is, “Hahaha?”